FormCount (C++)

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This example assumes that the main form of the application has a main menu with a menu item. The following code adds a separator and the name of all forms to the menu. Do not access FormCount in the main form's FormCreate. The other forms do not exist yet.


void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
  TMenuItem *NewItem;
  // First create the separator.
  NewItem = new TMenuItem(this); // If you change the AOwner (this) to MainMenu1->Items[1] and then you add the new menu, will you get "Menu inserted twice"? 
                                 //Does not happen in Delphi.
  NewItem->Name = "Separator";   // The owner will clean up these menu items.
  NewItem->Caption = "-";
  // Add the new item to the Windows menu.
  // Now create and add a menu item for each form.
  for  (int I = 0; I < Screen->FormCount; I++)
	NewItem = new TMenuItem(this); // The owner will clean up these menu items.
	NewItem->Caption = Screen->Forms[I]->Name + "Item";
	NewItem->Name = Screen->Forms[I]->Name;
