Script/File Execution Facilities

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Two stand-alone utilities establish multiple threads and database connections, letting you simultaneously execute SQL statements against multiple cross-DBMS platform datasources.

  • Script Execution Facility lets you type or paste SQL statements to be executed
  • File Execution Facility lets you load files containing SQL statements to be executed

Both utilities also work in conjunction with supported scheduling facilities, letting you schedule execution jobs. After completing a scheduled job, a results report lists errors, verifies script execution, and details the output of the job. Results can be automatically sent to any e-mail or network recipients.

Both utilities use a tabbed dialog box where you set the parameters and options for the script execution.

To execute SQL using one of these facilities

  1. On the Tools menu, select either Script Execution Facility or File Execution Facility.
    A tabbed dialog opens. It lets you provide the SQL to be executed and provide additional details.
  2. Use the following table as a guide to selecting settings on the tab of this dialog:
Tab Setting Description

Script (Script Execution Facility only)

Script box

Lets you type or paste a script.

Files (File Execution Facility only)

Show Full File Paths

Select to display the full path. Deselect to display only the file name.

File Name

Displays the file names.

Add and Remove

Use these controls to add or remove files.


Opens the View File dialog box.

Up and Down

Use these controls to move the selected file up or down in the list.


Select the Target Datasource(s) to Execute the Script Against

Only Connected Datasources - Displays only datasources that are currently connected in the Datasource grid. All DBMS Types - Displays all DBMS types in the Datasource grid.

Datasource grid

Displays the target datasource(s) to execute the script/file against. Select a datasource name. If the datasource has multiple databases, type in a database in the Database box.


Graphical Output

If selected, specifies a graphical output.

File Output

If selected, specifies a file output. Directory - Type or browse to enter the full path and directory name in which you want to place the output file. File Type - Specifies a file type. Include column titles when saving - If selected, lets you save column titles. Open files with registered applications - If selected, opens files with registered applications.


Job Description

Lets you enter a job description. This description will be the subject of the notification E-mail.

E-mail address

Lets you enter E-mail addresses. Separate each E-mail address with a semicolon (;).

Net Send User Names

Lets you enter net send user names. Separate each name with a semicolon (;).

3. When ready, click Execute.