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-- (c) Kyle Hailey 2007

set linesize 100
set verify off
set echo off
set feedback off
set heading off
column wait_event format a25
column collected new_value _collected
column runs new_value _runs
column beg new_value _beg
column end new_value _end
column mins_ago new_value _mins_ago
column duration new_value _duration
column end_time new_value _end_time
select &mins_ago+0  mins_ago, &duration+0 duration from dual;
select decode(&_mins_ago,0,15,&_mins_ago) mins_ago , 
      decode(&_duration,0,15,&_duration) duration from dual;
select  &_mins_ago , &_mins_ago - &_duration end_time  from dual;
set heading on
select nvl(count(*),0) collected, 
      max(sample_id),min(sample_id) ,
      nvl(max(sample_id)-min(sample_id),0)+1 runs,
      --nvl(min(sample_time),sysdate) beg,
      --nvl(max(sample_time),sysdate) end
      to_char(nvl(min(sample_time),sysdate),'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS') beg,
      to_char(nvl(max(sample_time),sysdate),'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS') end
from v$active_session_history
where sample_time >= sysdate - (&_mins_ago)/(24*60) 
 and sample_time <= sysdate - (&_end_time)/(24*60)
 -- and session_type!=81;
set termout off
set heading off
set termout on
       'Analysis Begin Time :   ' || '&_beg' || '                               ',
       'Analysis End   Time :   ' || '&_end' || '                               ',
       'Start time, mins ago:   ' || '&_mins_ago' || '                             ',
       'Request Duration    :   ' || '&_duration' || '                             ',
       'Collections         :   ' || '&_runs' || '                             ',
       'Data Values         :   ' || '&_collected' || '                             ',
       --'Elapsed Time:  ' || to_char(round((to_date(&_end)-to_date(&_beg))*24*60))||' mins '
       'Elapsed Time:  ' || to_char(round((to_date('&_end','DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS')-to_date('&_beg','DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS'))*24*60))||' mins '
from dual
--where &_collected > 0;
set heading on
break on report
compute sum of "Ave_Act_Sess" on Report

select * from (
       substr(decode(session_state,'ON CPU','ON CPU',event),0,25) wait_event, 
       count(*)  cnt,
       round( 100* (count(*)/&_collected) +0.00  , 2.2) "% Active",
       round( (count(*)/&_runs) +0.00, 2.2) "Ave_Act_Sess"
       v$active_session_history ash
       sample_time >= sysdate - &_mins_ago/(24*60)
   and sample_time <= sysdate - (&_end_time)/(24*60) 
   --and session_type!=81
   -- and dbid = _dbid 
  group by decode(session_state,'ON CPU','ON CPU',event) 
  order by count(*)
) where cnt/&_collected > 0.001
and &_collected > 0