Release Notes

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Thank you for using ER/Studio Data Architect, previously known as ER/Studio, the award-winning data modeling application for logical and physical database design and construction. ER/Studio Data Architect's (ER/Studio DA) powerful, multi-level design environment addresses the everyday needs of database administrators, developers and data architects who build and maintain large, complex database applications.

ER/Studio Data Architect's progressive interface and processes have been logically organized to effectively address the ease-of-use issues that have plagued data modeling tools for the past decade. The application facilitates your ability to create, understand and manage the mission-critical database designs within an enterprise. It offers strong logical design capabilities, bidirectional synchronization of logical and physical designs, automatic database construction, accurate reverse engineering of databases, and powerful HTML-based documentation and reporting facilities. Before you use ER/Studio, please read the information below.

Important Installation Notes

  • To install ER/Studio Data Architect on Windows 10, 8.1, or 7, you must have administrative privileges. Once you have installed ER/Studio DA, you can then log in as a standard or limited user and use the application without having administrative privileges.
  • In order to run ER/Studio DA, you must provide valid licensing information.
  • When you install ER/Studio DA, certain files and directories that were previously stored under the Program Files folder are now by default installed to system-specified application data directories.
  • During installation, the following directories are created:
    • For Datatype Mapping Editor files, which is also the default location for user-generated Datatype Mapping files:
    • For Automation Handler files, which is also the default location for sample macros:
    • For sample model files, for which a shortcut is generated in the ER/Studio DA program group:
      C:\ProgramData\IDERA\ERStudioDA_XXXX\Sample Models
  • When the application is run for the first time, the following directories are created by ER/Studio DA:
    • Directories used by the Repository client to transfer files to and from the Repository server:
    • Default directory for Report files:
    • Default directory for SQL scripts:
    • Default directory for Quicklaunch files:
    • Default Save location for new diagrams:
      C:ProgramData\IDERA\ERStudioDA_XXXX\Sample Models

Important Release Advisory

Note regarding installing on Windows 10

In some situations, background tasks may cause the installation to appear as though it has stopped, even though the progress on the setup window is indicating 100%. In these instances there may be a popup message indicating that a restart is required to finish installation. However, that message may be hidden behind the setup window. Try pressing ALT + TAB to bring the message to the foreground and answer to restart your computer and finish the installation.

Ensure Repository Sync

To ensure compatibility with ER/Studio Repository synchronization, this version of ER/Studio Data Architect requires ER/Studio Repository version 19.1 for all Repository operations.

ER/Studio Portal is no longer supported by ER/Studio Data Architect. Most functionality formerly provided by ER/Studio Portal is now provided by ER/Studio Team Server. Users who formerly used the Repository tab to browse the portal can use a Web browser instead.

License Enforcement

When working with the Repository, all users must use the same license type. ER/Studio now enforces this by marking the Repository as an Enterprise Team Edition Repository when a user with an Enterprise Team Edition license logs in. Subsequent log in attempts by users with a non-Team Edition license are not allowed.

Bug Fixes and Known Issues

Use your browser Find feature to locate a particular bug number or click a link below to see the issues addressed in a specific build.

Bugs Fixed in ER/Studio 19.0.1

ERS-25202 Supports additional features for SQL Server Temporal Tables.
ERS-27441 Adds quotation marks to the Field Names when generating the database JSON.
ERS-28256 Adds the Universal Mappings button to the Repository ribbon.
ERS-28313 Adds the Diagram Properties button to the Model ribbon.
ERS-28386 Allows user to switch between open files.
RWP-8839 Adds a graphical relationship component.
RWP-8941 Modifies the Business Term object page to view ER Objects graphically.
RWP-9096 Allows simple relationships ("is attribute of," "is type of," "is synonymous with") between Terms.
RWP-9097 Allows complex relationships ("relates to" and additional properties) between Terms.
RWP-9101 Adds Parent Glossary advanced search option in the Business Terms list.
RWP-9102, RWP-9103, RWP-9104, RWP-9105 Modifies the Business Term object page to:
  • include a subpage for Attribute relationship
  • include a subpage for Synonym relationship
  • include a subpage for Relates To relationship
RWP-9108 Improves Glossary deletion by allowing users to select whether they want to delete child Business Terms or leave the parent Glossary blank.
RWP-9109 Modifies the CSV import/export to support relationships.
RWP-9166 Modifies the Business Term object page to view related ER Objects graphically.

Bugs Fixed in ER/Studio 19.0.0

ERS-10973 Supports Inheritance Relationships for PostgreSQL.
ERS-14719 Supports SQL Server CTE Views.
ERS-16141 Supports the 'where' clause for SQL Server and Azure SQL DB filtered index.
ERS-11888 Supports extended properties for SQL Server Tables and Columns.
ERS-18591 Allows users to define table compression for SQL Server and Azure DB.
ERS-19263 Supports Spatial Indexes for SQL Server and Azure SQL DB.
ERS-20179 Allows users to define index compression for SQL Server and Azure DB.
ERS-23385 Supports the 'Columnstore' index for SQL Server.
ERS-25202 Allows users to model temporal tables in SQL Server.
ERS-25783 Added an option to select Azure Active Directory Password authentication support.
ERS-27836 Allows TLS between Data Architect and Repository.
ERS-27986 Supports the 'relates to' relationship between Business Terms and Objects.
ERS-27991 Supports Azure Synapse Analytics.
ERS-28017 Supports SQL Server 2019.
ERS-28136 Supports MySQL 8.0.
ERS-28160 Allows users to generate MongoDB model output as plain JSON.
ERS-28211 Combined Repository and Team Server login features into a single dialog box.
RWP-9095 Allows namespacing of Terms to parent Glossary ("is part of").
RWP-9099 Updates the Glossary page to show Terms that are namespaced to that Glossary and updates Relate options.
RWP-9100 Modifies the Terms List page to include the parent Glossary name in parentheses after each Business Term name.
RWP-9106 Modifies the Business Term Object page to show the parent Glossary relationship.
RWP-9107 Modifies the ER Objects pages to show the parent Glossary relationship.
RWP-9170 Resolves an issue preventing a user from saving edits to a Business Term when two or more terms have the same name but different Entity Types.

Known Issues

ERS-28436 Functions and Procedures are not shown in the Dependencies tab after opening the Table editor.
ERS-28688 Views using some JOIN constructs fail parsing on SQL Server.
ERS-28703 Add diagram fails in some environments when using TLS.
ERS-28840 Linked Terms are not displayed when using the popout attribute editor.
RWP-9309 Create Team Server Data Source from fails for Azure with the message, "Property database Type not valid."
RWP-9321 Bulk Harvest Terms requires user confirmation to leave page.
RWP-9418 Error message appears on the configurator notification page after clicking Test.
RWP-9429 Sync Now button is disabled on the General Collibra Settings page after applying "Collibra linking" data.

Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading from ER/Studio Portal to ER/Studio Team Server

For detailed instructions on upgrading to ER/Studio Team Server, see Team Server Upgrade Notes.

Upgrades for ER/Studio Repository users

To use the repository with this release, you must run that same version number of ER/Studio Repository.

Upgrades for versions of ER/Studio Repository prior to 2016

Repository is now installed as part of Team Server. To upgrade an earlier version of Repository, please see Upgrading From Previous Versions.

IDERA Technical Support

To contact Support, go to Customer Support Center.

See Also