Additional Components

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The additional components are a group of common general-purpose controls.


Upload.png Upload
An upload form field through which users can send a file of theirs to your server.
Image.png Image
An image.
Canvas.png Canvas
A canvas where you can draw 2D and 3D images.
MapShape.png MapShape
An image map to define interactive areas of an image.
FlashObject.png FlashObject
An SWF file, displaying animated multimedia content created with Adobe Flash.
Shape.png Shape
A simple geometric shape.
Bevel.png Bevel
A beveled outline.
CheckListBox.png CheckListBox
A list of checkable items.
Geolocation.png Geolocation
Access HTML5 geolocation features.
Media.png Media
Play audio and video files.
Animation.png Animation
Animate your controls in reaction to events.
Pager.png Pager
A pager to allow the browsing of sets of data using pages.