Modifying Data Using SQL Statements

From InterBase

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The executeUpdate() method of the Statement or PreparedStatement class can be used for any type of database modification. This method takes a string parameter (a SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement), and returns a count of the number of rows that were updated.

Inserting Data Using SQL Statements

An executeUpdate statement with an INSERT statement string parameter adds one or more rows to a table. It returns either the row count or 0 for SQL statements that return nothing:

int rowCount= statement.executeUpdate
("INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (val1, val2,…)";

If you do not know the default order of the columns, the syntax is:

int rowCount= statement.executeUpdate
("INSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2,…) VALUES (val1, val2,…)";

The following example adds a single employee to “emp_table”:

//Create a connection object
java.sql.Connection connection =
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
//Create a statement object
java.sql.Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
//input the employee data
Java.lang.String fname;
Java.lang.String lname;
Java.lang.String empno;"Enter first name: ", + fname);"Enter last name: ", + lname);"Enter employee number: ", + empno);
//insert the new employee into the table
int rowCount = statement.executeUpdate
("INSERT INTO emp_table (first_name, last_name, emp_no)
VALUES (fname, lname, empno)");

Updating Data with the Statement Class

The executeUpdate statement with a SQL UPDATE string parameter enables you to modify existing rows based on a condition using the following syntax:

int rowCount= statement.executeUpdate(
"UPDATE table_name SET col1 = val1, col2 = val2,
WHERE condition");

For example, suppose an employee, Sara Jones, gets married wants you to change her last name in the “last_name” column of the EMPLOYEE table:

//Create a connection object
java.sql.Connection connection =
//Create a statement object
java.sql.Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
//insert the new last name into the table
int rowCount = statement.executeUpdate
("UPDATE emp_table SET last_name = 'Zabrinski'
WHERE emp_no = 13314");

Updating Data with PreparedStatement

//Define a PreparedStatement object type
java.sql.PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
//Create the Prepared_Statement object
preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(
"UPDATE emp_table SET last_name = ? WHERE emp_no = ?");
//input the last name and employee number
String lname;
String empno;"Enter last name: ", + lname);"Enter employee number: ", + empno);
int empNumber = Integer.parseInt(empno);
//pass in the last name and employee id to preparedStatement's ? //parameters
//where '1' is the 1st parameter, '2' is the 2nd, etc.
//now update the table
int rowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();

Deleting Data Using SQL Statements

The executeUpdate() statement with a SQL DELETE string parameter deletes an existing row using the following syntax:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

The following example deletes the entire “Sara Zabrinski” row from the EMPLOYEE table:

int rowCount = statement.executeUpdate
("DELETE FROM emp_table WHERE emp_no = 13314");

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