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TFDMacro = class(TCollectionItem)


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public FireDAC.Stan.Param.pas FireDAC.Stan.Param FireDAC.Stan.Param


Represents a substitution variable for a query part.

Use the TFDMacro class when you want to parameterize the query parts, where impossible to use parameters. This may be a lexical element different from a literal value, for example, a table name in a FROM clause. A substitution variable and macro are synonyms in the context of FireDAC.

A substitution variable starts with the ! or & symbol and is followed by the macro name. The symbols have the following meaning:

  • ! - "string" substitution mode. The macro value will be substituted “as is”, directly into the command text, without any transformation.
  • & - "SQL" substitution mode. The macro value will be substituted depending on the macro data type, using the target DBMS syntax rules.


// &Tab_name represents a macro.
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM &Tab_name';
FDQuery1.MacroByName('Tab_name').AsIdentifier := 'Order Details';

See Also