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procedure Invoke(AClass: TClass; IntfInfo: PTypeInfo; MethName: string;
const Request: TStream; Response: TStream; var BindingType: TWebServiceBindingType); virtual;


HIDESBASE virtual void __fastcall Invoke(System::TClass AClass, System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo IntfInfo, System::UnicodeString MethName, System::Classes::TStream* const Request, System::Classes::TStream* Response, Soap::Wsdlintf::TWebServiceBindingType &BindingType);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
Soap.SOAPPasInv TSoapPascalInvoker


Interprets a SOAP request message, calls the target interface, and encodes any return values.

Call Invoke to convert a SOAP request to an interface call on an invokable interface.

AClass is the class that implements the invokable interface. The invoker passes this to the invocation registry so that it can obtain an instance of the implementation class, which it uses to execute the SOAP request.

IntfInfo is the runtime type information (RTTI) from the invokable interface that is the target of the SOAP request. The invoker uses this to interpret the SOAP request.

MethName is the name of the method to call on the invokable interface.

Request is a stream from which Invoke can read the SOAP request. It contains the SOAP encoding of an interface call.

Response is a stream to which Invoke writes the SOAP encoding of any return values.

BindingType indicates the format of the Request and Response. It is either btSOAP (to indicate a SOAP packet) or btMime (for a multipart form when the request or response includes attachments). On entry, BindingType indicates the format of the encoded request message. Invoke changes BindingType to the format of the response message.

See Also