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function IsEqualTo(const AGUID: TGUID; AMajor, AMinor: word): Boolean; overload;
function IsEqualTo(const ANamespace: TNamespace; const AInstance: TInstance): Boolean; overload;
function IsEqualTo(const AIBeacon: IBeacon): Boolean; overload;


virtual bool __fastcall IsEqualTo(const GUID &AGUID, System::Word AMajor, System::Word AMinor) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual bool __fastcall IsEqualTo(const TNamespace &ANamespace, const TInstance &AInstance) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual bool __fastcall IsEqualTo(const _di_IBeacon AIBeacon) = 0 /* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Beacon IBeacon


Checks whether the information specified in the parameters corresponds to the current beacon.

Depending on the different overloaded methods you can use the following parameters:

  • The first signature accepts AGUID, AMajor and AMinor: Returns True when they are equal to the current beacon properties (GUID, Major, and Minor). Otherwise, it returns False.
  • The second signature accepts ANamespace and AInstance: Returns True when they are equal to the current EddystoneUID beacon identifier (Namespace and Instance). Otherwise, it returns False.
  • The third signature accepts AIBeacon: Returns True when it is equal to the current beacon, as per reference to its proper interface and the associated content. Otherwise, it returns False.

See Also