System.Beacon.TMeanCalculator Methods

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AddGetValuepublicCalculates a stabilized value from the array of T and returns the calculated value.
CreatepublicCreates an instance of TMeanCalculator.
GetpublicReturns a calculated stabilized value as T.
GetAsDoublepublicReturns a calculated stabilized value as a Double.
GetAsIntegerpublicReturns a calculated stabilized value as an Integer.
GetLastpublicReturns the last value that was added to the array of T.
GetMedianAsDoublepublicCalculates the median value of the array of T and returns the calculated value.
GetMedianAsIntegerpublicCalculates the median value of the array of T and returns the calculated value.
IsEmptypublicReturns a Boolean that indicates whether the array of T is empty.
ResetpublicEmpties the array of T that you created in the constructor.