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constructor CreateFmt(const Reader: TJsonReader; const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); overload;
constructor CreateFmt(const LineInfo: TJsonLineInfo; const Path, Msg: string; const Args: array of const); overload;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public System.JSON.Readers.pas System.JSON.Readers EJsonReaderException


Creates an instance of EJsonReaderException with a formatted message string.

EJsonReaderException.CreateFmt inherits from Exception.CreateFmt.

  • Reader: A JSON reader object.
  • Msg: String constant that contains format specifiers to be replaced with values from Args.
  • Args: Array of constants that contains values to insert into Msg following the format defined by the format specifiers.
  • Ex: An Exception object.
  • LineInfo: A TJsonLineInfo object, the base class to provide information about the JSON position.
  • Path: String constant that contains the path to the JSON token where the exception ocurred.

See Also