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function  Find(const Item: TBookmark; var Index: Integer): Boolean;


bool __fastcall Find(const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Item, int &Index);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.DBGrids TBookmarkList


Indicates whether a specified bookmark string is contained in the bookmark list.

Call Find to determine whether the string specified by the Item parameter is one of the bookmark strings in the Items property array. Find returns true if the bookmark list contains the bookmark string, false otherwise. If Find returns true, the index of the bookmark string is returned as the value of the Index parameter.

Note: The index of a specific bookmark string can also be obtained by using the IndexOf method. Unlike the IndexOf method, which returns a value of -1 if the bookmark string is not in the Items array, Find does not change the value of the Index parameter if the bookmark string can't be found. Use Find when a default value should be changed only if the bookmark is not in the list.

See Also