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function DoNotify(Operation: TNodeListOperation; const Node: IXMLNode;
const IndexOrName: OleVariant; BeforeOperation: Boolean): IXMLNode;


Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode __fastcall DoNotify(TNodeListOperation Operation, const Xml::Xmlintf::_di_IXMLNode Node, const System::OleVariant &IndexOrName, bool BeforeOperation);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Xml.XMLDoc TXMLNodeList


Executes the callback specified by NotificationProc.

DoNotify executes the callback that is assigned to NotificationProc when the list adds, deletes, or needs to create nodes in the list. The parameters are supplied as parameters to the callback, and DoNotify returns the node that was added, deleted, or created.

Operation indicates what change is about to occur or has just occurred.

Node is the node that is being added or removed from the list, or that acts as a parent if the callback must create a node (when Operation is nlCreateNode).

IndexOrName is the name of the node to be created when Operation is nlCreateNode. Otherwise, it is the name or index of the node being deleted or added.

BeforeOperation indicates whether the call occurs before the indicated operation or after. When nodes are inserted and removed, a call is made first with BeforeOperation set to true, then the operation occurs, and then a second callback is made with BeforeOperation set to false. When nodes must be created, only one call is made, with BeforeOperation set to true.

See Also