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property OnCancel: TNotifyEvent read FOnCancel write FOnCancel;


__property OnCancel;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Vcl.StdActns TFileOpen


Occurs after the user exits a modal dialog by selecting “Cancel” or when a modeless dialog fails to come up.

Vcl.StdActns.TFileOpen.OnCancel inherits from Vcl.StdActns.TCommonDialogAction.OnCancel. All content below this line refers to Vcl.StdActns.TCommonDialogAction.OnCancel.

Occurs after the user exits a modal dialog by selecting “Cancel” or when a modeless dialog fails to come up.

Write an OnCancel event handler to respond when the user cancels from the associated dialog. When the action fires, it executes its associated dialog. OnCancel occurs when the dialog component's Execute method returns false. Thus, if the dialog is modal, OnCancel occurs when the user closes the dialog by clicking the Cancel button. If the dialog is modeless, OnCancel occurs if the dialog fails to appear.

See Also