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function Equals(Obj: TObject): Boolean; overload; override;
function Equals(const ADriver, ADevice, APort: string): Boolean; reintroduce; overload;


virtual bool __fastcall Equals(System::TObject* Obj)/* overload */;
HIDESBASE bool __fastcall Equals(const System::UnicodeString ADriver, const System::UnicodeString ADevice, const System::UnicodeString APort)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Printer TPrinterDevice


Checks whether the properties of the current printer device are equal to the printer device properties specified by the parameter.

Equals returns True if all the printer device properties specified by the parameter are equal to the corresponding properties of the current printer device. Otherwise, Equals returns False.

You can specify the following parameters in Equals call:

  • ADriver -- a driver name.
  • ADevice -- a device name.
  • APort -- a port name.
  • Obj -- an instance of an arbitrary object. Equals expects that the Obj value should be compatible with the TPrinterDevice.
When the Obj version is used, then ADriver, ADevice, and APort are obtained as the Driver, Device, and Port properties of the FMX.Printer.TPrinterDevice object specified by the Obj parameter.