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function  GetCollection(const bstrCollName: WideString;  varObjectKey: OleVariant):


TCOMAdminCatalogCollection* __fastcall GetCollection(const System::WideString bstrCollName, const System::OleVariant &varObjectKey);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.CmAdmCtl TCOMAdminCatalogCollection


Returns a TCOMAdminCatalogCollectionCollection object for a specified collection.

GetCollection retrieves a sub-collection that is contained in this collection.

bstrCollName is the name of the desired collection. The available collections depend on your version of the COMAdmin Library. See the Microsoft documentation for a list of the available collections in your version of the COMAdmin Library.

Key is the Key property of the item to which the collection belongs.

Note: The TCOMAdminCatalogCollectionCollection object that GetCollection returns does not contain data from the catalog for items contained in the collection. Use its Populate method to read in data for items in the collection.

See Also