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function OwnerDataHint(StartIndex, EndIndex: Integer): Boolean; virtual;


virtual bool __fastcall OwnerDataHint(int StartIndex, int EndIndex);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Vcl.ComCtrls TCustomListView


Specifies a range of items that might be fetched.

Override OwnerDataHint in a derived class to customize a range of items before OwnerDataFetch is called on them.

This method of customizing items is more efficient than individually updating items in the OwnerDataFetch method. However, the range of items does not always match what is handled by the OwnerDataFetch method; therefore, you must be prepared to update individual items in the OwnerDataFetch method as well.

StartIndex is the index of the first item that might be fetched.

EndIndex is the index of the last item that might be fetched.

OwnerDataHint is called only if OwnerData is true.

See Also