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property Panels: TStatusPanels read FPanels write SetPanels;


__property Panels;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ComCtrls TStatusBar


Lists the panels (TStatusPanel objects) in the status bar.

Vcl.ComCtrls.TStatusBar.Panels inherits from Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomStatusBar.Panels. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomStatusBar.Panels.

Lists the panels (TStatusPanel objects) in the status bar.

The Panels property holds a TStatusPanels, that is, a collection of TStatusPanel objects. At design time, you can add, remove, or modify panels with the Panels editor. To open the Panels editor, select the Panels property in the Object Inspector, then double-click in the Value column to the right or click the ellipsis (...) button.

At design time, you can add, remove, or modify panels with the Panels editor:

  • To open the Panels editor from the the Object Inspector, select the Panels property and either double-click in the Value column to the right or click the ellipsis (...) button.
  • To open the Panels editor from the Form Designer, right-click TStatusBar and select Panels editor from the context menu.

See Also

Code Examples