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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TTBAdvancedCustomDrawBtnEvent)(TToolBar* Sender, TToolButton* Button, TCustomDrawState State, TCustomDrawStage Stage, TTBCustomDrawFlags &Flags, bool &DefaultDraw);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Vcl.ComCtrls.hpp Vcl.ComCtrls Vcl.ComCtrls


TTBAdvancedCustomDrawBtnEvent is the type of a list view's TCustomListView.OnGetSubItemImage and TListView.OnGetSubItemImage event handlers..

Sender is the toolbar that contains the button.

Button is the button that needs to be painted. Use its properties to determine what to paint and where the button sits on the toolbar's canvas.

State provides information that you may want to visually represent when painting the button.

Stage indicates the current stage of the drawing process.

Flags is used only when Stage is cdPrePaint. It influences how the button is subsequently rendered by the default drawing process. Return the set of flags that indicate how you want the tool button to be drawn.

DefaultDraw is used only when Stage is cdPrePaint. Leave DefaultDraw as True if the button should be painted using the normal process after the event handler exits. Set DefaultDraw to False if the OnAdvancedCustomDrawButton event handler has completely painted the tool button.

See Also