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property SelStart: Integer read FSelStart write SetSelStart default 0;


__property int SelStart = {read=FSelStart, write=SetSelStart, default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ComCtrls TTrackBar


Specifies the position of the starting point of the selection range.

Set SelStart to determine the beginning of a selection that runs to SelEnd. The track bar indicates a selection range on the bar by placing special tick marks at the positions specified by the SelStart and SelEnd properties and highlighting the selected portion of the bar.

SelStart must be less than or equal to Position. If SelStart is set to a value greater than Position, Position changes to SelStart. SelStart must be less than or equal to SelEnd. If SelStart is the same as SelEnd, there is no selection, and the value of Position is the same as SelStart and SelEnd.

See Also