
Aus RAD Studio API Documentation
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  DelayLoadInfo = record
    cb:          LongWord;       { size of structure                 }
    pidd:        PImgDelayDescr; { raw form of data (everything is
                                   there)                            }
    ppfn:        Pointer;        { points to address of function to
                                   load                              }
    szDll:       _PAnsiChr;      { name of dll                       }
    dlp:         TDelayLoadProc; { name or ordinal of procedure      }
    hmodCur:     HMODULE;        { the hInstance of the library we
                                   have loaded                       }
    pfnCur:      Pointer;        { the actual function that will be
                                   called                            }
    dwLastError: LongWord;       { error received (if an error
                                   notification)                     }


Typ Sichtbarkeit Quelle Unit Übergeordnet
record public SysInit.pas SysInit SysInit


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