System.Beacon.TBeaconManufacturerDataHelper Fields

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EDDY_FRAME_TLM_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the EddystoneTLM from the ServiceData.
EDDY_FRAME_UID_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the EddystoneUID from the ServiceData.
EDDY_UID_INSTANCE_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the Namespace and the Instance of an EddystoneUID from the ServiceData.
EDDY_UID_NAMESPACE_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the Namespace of an EddystoneUID from the ServiceData.
GUID_MAJOR_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the GUID and the Major from the ManufacturerSpecificData.
GUID_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the GUID from the ManufacturerSpecificData.
GUID_MINOR_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the GUID, the Major, and the Minor from the ManufacturerSpecificData.
TYPE_OF_BEACON_MASKpublicFilter mask to extract the kind of beacon from the ManufacturerSpecificData.