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TBucketList = class(TCustomBucketList)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TBucketList : public TCustomBucketList


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
System.Contnrs System.Contnrs


TCustomBucketList is the base class for lists that store items under a limited number of categories.

System.Contnrs.TBucketList inherits from System.Contnrs.TCustomBucketList. All content below this line refers to System.Contnrs.TCustomBucketList.

TCustomBucketList is the base class for lists that store items under a limited number of categories.

Use TCustomBucketList as a base class for lists of items that fit into a limited number of categories (or buckets). Each bucket can contain multiple items, and there is a well-defined function (the protected BucketFor method) that determines the bucket into which an item belongs. TCustomBucketList descendants can include lists of items that fall into natural categories, or implementations of a hash table.

Do not create instances of TCustomBucketList. In TCustomBucketList, the BucketFor method is abstract (pure virtual), meaning that descendant classes must override it and provide an implementation.