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function BreakContainerLease(const AContainerName: string; out ALeaseTimeRemaining: Integer;  const AResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo): Boolean;


bool __fastcall BreakContainerLease(const System::UnicodeString AContainerName, /* out */ int &ALeaseTimeRemaining, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* const AResponseInfo);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Cloud.AzureAPI TAzureBlobService


Ends the current lease (lock for delete operations) on the specified container and ensures that no other client can acquire a new lease until the period of the current lease has expired.

BreakContainerLease accepts the following parameters:

  • ContainerName is the name of the target container.
  • LeaseTimeRemaining, which BreakContainerLease fills with the number of seconds remaining until a client can create a new lease on the specified container.
  • ResponseInfo is an optional instance of TCloudResponseInfo to store the information of the response. Use a nil value if you do not need the information of the response.

BreakContainerLease returns True if the lease is successfully broken or False otherwise.

See Also