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function ReadData(const Buffer: TArray<Byte>; const Offset: Integer; const Count: Integer): Integer;


int __fastcall ReadData(const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Buffer, const int Offset, const int Count);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Data.DbxSocketChannelNative TDBXIdTCPLayer


Reads bytes into a buffer.

The ReadData method reads a number of bytes specified by the Count parameter into a TBytes buffer specified by the Buffer parameter. The Offset parameter specifies the offset from where the bytes are stored. It is expected to be zero. The ReadData method returns a value of -1 if any error occurs.

It is assumed that the buffer has enough memory allocated to hold the number of bytes specified by Count.

The ReadData method is internally called by the Read method. Because the ReadData method is declared as protected, it is only accessible to classes derived from Data.DbxSocketChannelNative.TDBXIdTCPLayer.

See Also