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function RemoveUsersFromGroup(const AGroupName: string;  const AUsers: TArray<string>; out AResponse: IEMSResourceResponseContent): Boolean;


bool __fastcall RemoveUsersFromGroup(const System::UnicodeString AGroupName, const System::DynamicArray<System::UnicodeString> AUsers, /* out */ _di_IEMSResourceResponseContent &AResponse);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
EMS.Services TEMSInternalAPI


Removes one or more EMS Users from an EMS Group.

RemoveUsersFromGroup updates the EMS Group, deleting the specified EMS Users from it.

The RemoveUsersFromGroup method receives the following parameters:

  • AGroupName: EMS Group Name that identifies an existing EMS Group in the EMS Server.
  • AUsers: Array of EMS Users usernames to delete from the EMS Group.
  • AResponse: Response from the EMS Server.

If the EMS Group name does not exist in the EMS Server, RemoveUsersFromGroup raises the following exception: 'Group not found: <GroupName>'.

RemoveUsersFromGroup returns False if the EMS User are not deleted from the EMS Group. Otherwise, RemoveUsersFromGroup returns True.

See Also