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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TMouseMoveEvent3D)(System::TObject* Sender, System::Classes::TShiftState Shift, float X, float Y, const System::Math::Vectors::TVector3D &RayPos, const System::Math::Vectors::TVector3D &RayDir);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public FMX.Controls3D.hpp FMX.Controls3D FMX.Controls3D


Procedural type used by all OnMouseMove events.

Sender is the object that issues the event call.

Shift specifies the shift keys--SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, and CMD (only for Mac)--that are down when the mouse pointer is over the control.

X and Y specify the pixel coordinates of the mouse pointer within the client area of the control.

RayPos and RayDir specify the position and direction of the ray the mouse is moved on.

See Also