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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TGestureItemChangeEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TGestureNotification Action, Fmx::Types::TCustomGestureCollectionItem* Item);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public FMX.Gestures.hpp FMX.Gestures FMX.Gestures


Type of the event handler for the change or deletion of a gesture.

TGestureItemChangeEvent is the TGestureCollection OnItemChange event handler that fires when the gesture (also a parameter of this event handler) is deleted or changed.

Sender is the control that gestures apply to. This is the control that has the TGestureManager assigned to its TouchManager/GestureManager property.

Action is of type TGestureNotification and specifies whether the gesture was changed or deleted.

Item specifies the gesture from the collection that has been changed or deleted.

See Also