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procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); override;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
procedure protected FMX.Switch.Style.pas FMX.Switch.Style TStyledSwitch


OnMouseDown event dispatcher.

FMX.Switch.Style.TStyledSwitch.MouseDown inherits from FMX.Controls.TControl.MouseDown. All content below this line refers to FMX.Controls.TControl.MouseDown.

OnMouseDown event dispatcher.

A control calls MouseDown in response to any of mouse-down messages, decoding the message parameters into the shift-key state and position, which it passes in the Shift, X, and Y parameters, respectively:

  • Button determines which mouse button is pressed: left, right, or middle.
  • Shift indicates which shift keys--SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, and CMD (only for Mac)--were down when the user pressed the mouse button.
  • X and Y are the pixel coordinates of the mouse pointer within the client area of the control. If Button is mbLeft, MouseDown sets PressedPosition as a TPointF(X,Y).

Override the protected MouseDown method to provide other responses when a mouse button is down while the cursor is over the control.

See Also