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procedure SetName(const Value: TComponentName); override;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
procedure protected Data.DB.pas FireDAC.DBX.Migrate TFDDBXProcParamList


Sets the value of the Name property.

FireDAC.DBX.Migrate.TFDDBXProcParamList.SetName inherits from System.Classes.TComponent.SetName. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TComponent.SetName.

Sets the value of the Name property.

SetName is the virtual property setter for the Name property. It calls the ChangeName method, which performs the actual name change.

ChangeName is not virtual; override SetName instead when modifying the behavior of the Name property.

Warning: Using SetName to change the name of a component at run time causes any references to the old name to become undefined. Any subsequent code that uses the old name will cause an exception.

See Also