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function Field(const AName: String; const AValues: Variant;  AEach: Boolean = True; ASlice: Integer = MaxInt; const ASort: String = ''): TPush; overload;
function Field(const AName: String; const AValues: array of const;  AEach: Boolean = True; ASlice: Integer = MaxInt; const ASort: String = ''): TPush; overload;


HIDESBASE TMongoUpdate::TModifier::TPush* __fastcall Field(const System::UnicodeString AName, const System::Variant &AValues, bool AEach = true, int ASlice = 0x7fffffff, const System::UnicodeString ASort = System::UnicodeString())/* overload */;
HIDESBASE TMongoUpdate::TModifier::TPush* __fastcall Field(const System::UnicodeString AName, const System::TVarRec *AValues, const int AValues_High, bool AEach = true, int ASlice = 0x7fffffff, const System::UnicodeString ASort = System::UnicodeString())/* overload */;
inline TMongoUpdate::TModifier::TArrayOperation* __fastcall  Field(const System::UnicodeString AName, const System::Variant &AValues, bool AEach, bool AClose){ return TMongoUpdate::TModifier::TArrayOperation::Field(AName, AValues, AEach, AClose); }
inline TMongoUpdate::TModifier::TArrayOperation* __fastcall  Field(const System::UnicodeString AName, const System::TVarRec *AValues, const int AValues_High, bool AEach, bool AClose){ return TMongoUpdate::TModifier::TArrayOperation::Field(AName, AValues, AValues_High, AEach, AClose); }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FireDAC.Phys.MongoDBWrapper TPush


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