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function  GetURIMap(Index: Integer): TRemRegEntry; overload;
function  GetURIMap(Index: Integer; out RegEntry: TRemRegEntry): boolean; overload;


TRemRegEntry __fastcall GetURIMap(int Index)/* overload */;
bool __fastcall GetURIMap(int Index, /* out */ TRemRegEntry &RegEntry)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Soap.InvokeRegistry TRemotableTypeRegistry


Returns an entry from the remotable type registry.

GetURIMap returns an entry from the remotable type registry that is identified by its index. It is useful for operations that iterate over all the registered entries. Use the GetURICount method to obtain an upper bound for the index.

Index is the index of the entry you want to see.

Using the first syntax, GetURIMap returns a TRemRegEntry value that describes a registered class or type.

Using the second syntax, the RegEntry parameter returns the TRemRegEntry at the specified index. Using this syntax, GetURIMap returns true if Index is a valid index, false if Index is out of range.

The TRemRegEntry value that this method returns is used to represent both remotable classes, which are added using the RegisterXSClass method, and remotable types, which are added using the RegisterXSInfo method.

See Also