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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TBeforeDispatchEvent2)(const System::UnicodeString MethodName, System::Classes::TStream* const Request, System::Classes::TStream* Response, Soap::Wsdlintf::TWebServiceBindingType &BindingType, bool &Handled);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Soap.SOAPPasInv.hpp Soap.SOAPPasInv Soap.SOAPPasInv


TBeforeDispatchEvent2 is the type of the BeforeDispatchEvent2 event on an invoker component.

TBeforeDispatchEvent2 is the type of the BeforeDispatchEvent2 event handler, which is called before an invoker executes a request by calling the target invokable interface.

MethodName is the name of the method that is about to be called.

Request is a stream from which the event handler can read the SOAP request that is about to be executed.

Response is a stream to which the event handler can write a response for the request.

BindingType indicates the encoding that is used by the request.

Handled returns true if the event handler supplies a response using the Response parameter. It returns false if the invoker should forward the request to a registered implementation class after the event handler exits.