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constructor Create(PIID: PTypeInfo); overload;
constructor Create(PIID: PTypeInfo; InvokeEvent: TVirtualInterfaceInvokeEvent); overload;


__fastcall TVirtualInterface(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo PIID)/* overload */;
__fastcall TVirtualInterface(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo PIID, _di_TVirtualInterfaceInvokeEvent InvokeEvent)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
System.Rtti TVirtualInterface


Creates and initializes a TVirtualInterface instance.

TVirtualInterface creates an implementation of a specific interface at run time (the interface is specified by the PIID parameter.)

The parameters of Create are listed in the following table:

Parameter Description
PIID Type information for the target interface. You can get it with the help of TypeInfo.
InvokeEvent The event that is raised when a specific interface method is called. You can specify it in the constructor (optionally), or using the OnInvoke property.

You should create a TVirtualInterface instance and immediately get the corresponding interface instance. You should never create a TVirtualInterface as a local variable. A TVirtualInterface instance has an associated reference counter and automatically frees itself.

See Also