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function ReadString(const Section, Ident, Default: string): string;


HIDESBASE System::UnicodeString __fastcall ReadString(const System::UnicodeString Section, const System::UnicodeString Ident, const System::UnicodeString Default);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Win.Registry TRegIniFile


Retrieves a string value from a specified data value (Ident) associated with a key (Section).

Call ReadString to retrieve a string value from a specified data value associated with a key.

Section is a string that identifies the key from which to retrieve a data value. Ident is a string that identifies the name of the data value to return. Default is a string value to use if there is no key corresponding to Section or no data value corresponding to Ident.

Note: This function overrides the ReadString function of TRegistry, from which TRegIniFile is derived. To call the ReadString function of TRegistry instead of this function, cast the call to ReadString as TRegistry.

See Also