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property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TToolButton read GetButton;


__property TToolButton* Buttons[int Index] = {read=GetButton};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Vcl.ComCtrls TToolBar


Lists the tool buttons (TToolButton) in the toolbar.

Buttons maintains a list of TToolButton instances. All tool buttons that share a TToolBar parent have the same height and (except for separators and dividers) the same width. Other controls on a toolbar are held in place by invisible separators, which are automatically created and destroyed.

To add tool buttons to the toolbar at design time, select the toolbar, right-click, and choose New Button. To create a space (separator) between one button and the next, select New Separator. To create a divider between buttons, add a button and set its Style property to tbsDivider. Other controls may be added to the toolbar directly from the Component palette.

See Also