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property HotImages: TCustomImageList read FHotImages write SetHotImages;


__property Vcl::Imglist::TCustomImageList* HotImages = {read=FHotImages, write=SetHotImages};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ComCtrls TToolBar


Lists the images that can appear on tool buttons when the mouse points to them.

HotImages contains a list of images that can appear on tool buttons when the mouse passes over them at runtime. Each tool button's ImageIndex property determines the specific image displayed when the mouse points to it. If HotImages is unassigned, tool buttons retain their regular images (specified by the Images property) when pointed to. Use a TImageList control to hold the images that will be shown for hot images. Typically, then, the application will have two TImageList controls, one for the Images property and one for the HotImages property.

To use HotImages set the Flat property to True.

See Also