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property Items[Index: Integer]: TBookmark read GetItem; default;


__property System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Items[int Index] = {read=GetItem/*, default*/};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Vcl.DBGrids TBookmarkList


Provides indexed access to the bookmarks for marked records in the dataset.

Use Items to obtain a bookmark string from the set maintained by the TBookmarkList object. Each bookmark string represents a single record in the dataset of the associated DBGrid. Bookmark strings can be compared with other bookmark strings to determine relative position within the database, and used to position the dataset on an arbitrary record. The Index parameter indicates the index of the bookmark, where 0 is the index of the first bookmark, 1 is the index of the second bookmark, and so on.

Use Items with the Count property to iterate through all of the bookmarks in the list.

Note: Bookmarks in the bookmark list are not automatically deleted when records in the dataset are deleted. As a result, some bookmarks in the Items array may become invalid. Call the Refresh method to delete invalid bookmarks from the Items array.

See Also