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function GetEditStyle(ACol, ARow: Longint): TEditStyle; dynamic;


DYNAMIC TEditStyle __fastcall GetEditStyle(int ACol, int ARow);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Vcl.Grids TCustomGrid


Indicates whether a specified cell has an ellipsis button or drop-down arrow.

GetEditStyle indicates whether the specified cell can only be edited directly (esSimple), whether it has an ellipsis button that users can click to launch an editor for modifying field values (esEllipsis ), or whether it has a drop-down arrow that users can click to display a pick list of possible values (esPickList).

ACol is the column that contains the cell. ARow is the row that contains the cell.

In TCustomGrid, GetEditStyle always returns esSimple, indicating that there is no ellipsis button or drop-down arrow. Descendant classes can override this methods if they provide a way to add pick lists or ellipsis buttons to cells.