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property Position: Integer read FPosition write SetPosition default 0;


__property int Position = {read=FPosition, write=SetPosition, default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.StdCtrls TScrollBar


Indicates the current position of the scroll bar.

Read Position to determine the current position of the thumb tab. This value can be used to determine how to scroll any components controlled by the scroll bar. When the user scrolls the scroll bar, the value of Position changes. Set Position to programmatically move the thumb tab of the scroll bar.

The number of possible positions on the scroll bar is determined by the difference between the Max property and the Min property. If Position has the same value as Min, the thumb tab appears at the far left of a horizontal scroll bar or the top of a vertical scroll bar. If Position has the same value as Max, the thumb tab appears at the far right of a horizontal scroll bar or the bottom of a vertical scroll bar.

See Also

Code Examples