TDBGridOptions = set of TDBGridOption;
typedef System::Set<TDBGridOption, TDBGridOption::dgEditing, TDBGridOption::dgThumbTracking> TDBGridOptions;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
set typedef |
public | Vcl.DbGrids.pas Vcl.DBGrids.hpp |
Vcl.DBGrids | Vcl.DBGrids |
TDBGridOption and TDBGridOptions indicate display and behavioral property of a DB grid.
TDBGridOptions is a set drawn from the following TDBGridOption values.
Value | Meaning |
dgEditing |
The user can edit data using the grid. dgEditing is ignored if Options includes dgRowSelect. |
dgAlwaysShowEditor |
The grid is always in edit mode. This means the user does not have to press ENTER or F2 before editing the contents of a cell. dgAlwaysShowEditor does nothing unless dgEditing is also included in Options. dgAlwaysShowEditor is ignored if Options includes dgRowSelect. |
dgTitles |
Titles appear at the top of the columns in the grid. |
dgIndicator |
A small pointer appears in the first column to indicate which row is current. |
dgColumnResize |
Columns that are bound to fields can be resized or moved. |
dgColLines |
Lines appear between columns in the grid. |
dgRowLines |
Lines appear between rows of the grid. |
dgTabs |
The user can navigate through the grid using the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys. |
dgRowSelect |
The user can select an entire row, as well as individual cells. If Options includes dgRowSelect, dgEditing and dgAlwaysShowEditor are ignored. |
dgAlwaysShowSelection |
The selected cell displays the focus rectangle even when the grid does not have focus. |
dgConfirmDelete |
A message box appears, asking for confirmation, when the user presses CTRL+DELETE to delete a row in the grid. |
dgCancelOnExit |
When the user exits the grid from an inserted record to which the user made no modifications, the inserted record is not posted to the dataset. This prevents the accidental posting of empty records. |
dgMultiSelect |
More than one row in the grid can be selected at a time. |
dgTitleClick |
Clicking in the table header cells is allowed. |
dgTitleHotTrack |
Table header cells are hot-tracked. |