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property UseDockManager default True;


__property UseDockManager = {default=1};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ExtCtrls TPanel


Specifies whether the docking manager is used in drag-and-dock operations.

Vcl.ExtCtrls.TPanel.UseDockManager inherits from Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.UseDockManager. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.UseDockManager.

Specifies whether the docking manager is used in drag-and-dock operations.

Use UseDockManager to get or set whether a docking manager is used in drag-and-dock operations.

The docking manager handles the positioning of docked controls and any painting of docking zones around those controls. If you do not use a docking manager, docked controls are aligned to the windowed control based on the closest edge to where they are released. When you do not use a docking manager, there is no region for a user to grab to automatically undock a docked control.

See Also