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function CreateGrayMappedBmp(Handle: HBITMAP): HBITMAP;


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE HBITMAP __fastcall CreateGrayMappedBmp(HBITMAP Handle);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.Graphics Vcl.Graphics


Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap with the system grays.

Call CreateGrayMappedBmp to create a bitmap that uses the system gray colors (clBtnHightlight, clBtnFace, clBtnShadow and clBtnText) from a bitmap that uses standard gray scale colors (clWhite, clSilver, clGray, and clBlack). This allows an application to dynamically create images that match the user's control panel settings, given a base image.

CreateGrayMappedBmp creates a new bitmap. It does not alter the original bitmap, which has the handle specified by the Handle parameter.

Note: CreateGrayMappedBmp does not work with bitmaps that have more than 256 colors. For bitmaps with more than 256 colors (8bpp), this function returns the original bitmap.

See Also