function WaitFor(Timeout: Cardinal): TWaitResult; overload; override;
virtual TWaitResult __fastcall WaitFor(unsigned Timeout)/* overload */;
inline TWaitResult __fastcall WaitFor(const System::Timespan::TTimeSpan &Timeout){ return TSynchroObject::WaitFor(Timeout); }
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | System.SyncObjs.pas System.SyncObjs.hpp |
System.SyncObjs | THandleObject |
Waits until this THandleObject object enters into the signaled state.
Call WaitFor to wait until a THandleObject object enters into the signaled state. If the signaled state is not reached after TimeOut milliseconds, WaitFor returns anyway.
Use INFINITE value for the TimeOut parameter to force WaitFor to wait an infinite amount of time.
The function returns a result of TWaitResult type that can be used to detect how the operation finished.