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class procedure d(const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const); overload;
class procedure d(const Msg: string); overload; inline;
class procedure d(const Tag: string; const Instance: TObject; const Method, Msg: string); overload; inline;
class procedure d(const Tag: string; const Instance: TObject; const Msg: string); overload; inline;


__classmethod void __fastcall d(const System::UnicodeString Fmt, const System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High)/* overload */;
__classmethod void __fastcall d(const System::UnicodeString Msg)/* overload */;
__classmethod void __fastcall d(const System::UnicodeString Tag, System::TObject* const Instance, const System::UnicodeString Method, const System::UnicodeString Msg)/* overload */;
__classmethod void __fastcall d(const System::UnicodeString Tag, System::TObject* const Instance, const System::UnicodeString Msg)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
FMX.Types Log


Displays a message in the Event Log.

The following table explanation and examples for signatures of Log.d:

Description and Parameters Code Snippet Output

Simple debug message.

  • Msg: The text of the message.

Delphi :

 Log.d('Simple Message');


Log::d("Simple Message");
Debug Output: Simple Message Process <ProjectName>.exe()

Formatted debug message that requires 2 parameters. The parameters have the same meaning and constraints as those of Format.

  • Fmt: The format string. See Format Strings for more information.
  • Args: An array of arguments to apply to the format specifiers in Fmt.

Delphi :

Log.d('%d%% Formatted Message', [100]);


TVarRec args[1] = {100};
Log::d("%d%% Formatted Message", args, 0);
Debug Output: 100% Formatted Message Process <ProjectName>.exe()

Detailed debug message.

  • Tag: The tag for this debug message.
  • Instance: A TObject instance that this method converts into a String.
  • Method: Optional. For example, you might provide the name of the method.
  • Msg: The text of the message.

Delphi :

Log.d('MyDebugMessage', Button1, 'Button1Click', 'Detailed Debug Message');


Log::d("Simple Message");
Debug Output: MyDebugMessage (TButton@ 344EB70).Button1Click): Detailed Debug Message <ProjectName>.exe()

See Also