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Contains members that you use when incorporating GIF images in a VCL application.

Package vclimg290.bpl


GIFExceptionUsed to raise exceptions when handling GIF image files.
TColorLookupRepresents the base class of all color mapping classes.
TColorLookupClassTColorLookupClass is a class of TColorLookup.
TCustomGIFRendererRepresents the base class for the GIF rendering classes.
TFastColorLookupRepresents the class for fast color mapping.
TGIFAppExtensionClassTGIFAppExtensionClass is a class of TGIFApplicationExtension.
TGIFAppExtNSLoopRepresents the class that stores information about applications that use animated GIF images.
TGIFApplicationExtensionRepresents the base class for classes containing information about applications that use GIF images.
TGIFBlockImplements stream operations for GIF image blocks.
TGIFColorMapImplements the manipulation of the global color map of a GIF image file.
TGIFCommentExtensionContains textual information about the GIF image.
TGIFExtensionTGIFExtension is the base class for classes that contain information about parameters used when processing a GIF object.
TGIFExtensionClassTGIFExtensionClass is a class of TGIFExtension.
TGIFExtensionListTGIFExtensionList contains an array of TGIFExtension objects.
TGIFFrameTGIFFrame represents a frame in a GIF animation.
TGIFGraphicControlExtensionContains information used when processing a graphic rendering block.
TGIFHeaderIdentifies the GIF data stream in context.
TGIFImageTGIFImage contains a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image.
TGIFImageListTGIFImageList contains an array of TGIFFrame objects.
TGIFItemRepresents the base class for all the classes that implement sections of data in the GIF image file.
TGIFListImplements the handling of a list of TGIFItem objects.
TGIFRendererTGIFRenderer is used for GIF rendering.
TGIFTextExtensionContains information about rendering textual data as a graphic.
TGIFTrailerIndicates the end of the GIF data stream.
TGIFUnknownAppExtensionImplements a list of TGIFBlock objects.
TGrayScaleLookupRepresents the class for color mapping to a uniform 256 shade palette.
TGrayWindowsLookupRepresents the class for color mapping to a four shade palette.
TMonochromeLookupRepresents the class for color mapping to a black-and-white palette.
TNetscapeColorLookupRepresents the class for color mapping to the Netscape color cube.
TSlowColorLookupRepresents the class for slow color mapping.


CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmapsPerforms color quantization on several bitmaps.
InternalGetDIBConverts a bitmap to a DIB of a specified pixel format.
InternalGetDIBSizesCalculates the buffer sizes nescessary for converting a bitmap into a DIB of a specified pixel format.
ReduceColorsMaps colors in a TBitmap to their nearest representation in a palette.
RegisterAdds design-time support of GIFs to TImage.
WebPaletteCreates a 216 color uniform nondithering Netscape palette.


BGRArrayBGRArray is an array of TRGBTriple elements.
PalArrayPalArray is an array of TPaletteEntry elements.
PBGRArrayPBGRArray is a pointer to a BGRArray.
PInverseLookupPInverseLookup is a pointer to a TInverseLookup.
PPalArrayPPalArray is a pointer to a PalArray.
PRGBQuadArrayPRGBQuadArray is a pointer to a TRGBQuadArray.
TColorMapTColorMap is an array of TGIFColor.
TColormapHistogramTColormapHistogram is used internally in the TGIFColorMap class.
TColormapReverseTColormapReverse is used internally in the TGIFColorMap class.
TColorReductionSpecifies the available color reduction methods.
TDisposalMethodSpecifies the disposal methods used when rendering GIF frames.
TDitherModeSpecifies the available dithering algorithms.
TGIFAnimationLoopSpecifies the animation loop behavior.
TGIFApplicationRecTGIFApplicationRec is used to store information about the application that contains the GIF image.
TGIFAuthenticationCodeTGIFAuthenticationCode represents a code used to authenticate the application identifier.
TGIFColorA variable of type TGIFColor contains the representation of a color in RGB color model.
TGIFDitheringSpecifies the dithering behavior when using the Netscape 216 color palette.
TGIFExtensionTypeTGIFExtensionType is a numerical value that uniquely identifies the type of an extension.
TGIFGCERecTGIFGCERec is used to store information about the graphic control extension.
TGIFIdentifierCodeTGIFIdentifierCode represents a code used to identify the application owning the application extension.
TGIFOptimizeOptionSpecifies the optimization options used in the Optimize method.
TGIFOptimizeOptionsTGIFOptimizeOptions is a set of TGIFOptimizeOption.
TGIFPlainTextExtensionRecTGIFPlainTextExtensionRec is used to store information about the parameters necessary to render textual data as a graphic.
TGIFSeveritySpecifies the severity level of the warnings generated when working with GIF images.
TGIFVersionSpecifies the possible versions of a GIF image.
TGIFVersionRecTGIFVersionRec is the type of elements that specify the version of a GIF.
TGIFWarningTGIFWarning is the type of a warning event handler.
TImageDescriptorA variable of TImageDescriptor type contains information about an image.
TInverseLookupTInverseLookup is used internally in the TFastColorLookup class.
TLogicalScreenDescriptorA variable of type TLogicalScreenDescriptor contains information about the screen.
TRGBQuadArrayTRGBQuadArray is an array of records that stores the colors in RGB model.
TUsageCountA variable of type TUsageCount contains histogram information about a GIF.


BitmapAllocationThresholdSpecifies the bitmap pixel count limit at which a newly allocated bitmap is converted before being resized.
CF_GIFRepresents a GIF clipboard format identifier.
DoAutoDitherEnables or disables auto-dithering in your application.
GIFClearOnLoopSpecifies whether the canvas should be cleared when a GIF animation loops.
GIFDefaultDelaySpecifies the default GIF animation delay.
GIFDefaultTransparentColorSpecifies the color used for transparency.
GIFDelayExpSpecifies the factor by which to multiply the delay variables in order to obtain the effective GIF animation delay time.
GIFFileBufferSizeSpecifies the size of the read-ahead buffer for GIF decompression.
GIFImageDefaultAnimateSpecifies the default value for the Animate property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultAnimationLoopSpecifies the default value for the AnimateLoop property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultAnimationSpeedSpecifies the default value for the AnimationSpeed property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultColorReductionSpecifies the default value for the ColorReduction property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultColorReductionBitsSpecifies the default value for the ReductionBits property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultDitheringSpecifies the default value for the Dithering property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultDitherModeSpecifies the default value for the DitherMode property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageDefaultTransparentSpecifies the default value for the Transparent property of a newly created TGIFImage object.
GIFImageOptimizeOnStreamSpecifies whether to optimize the GIF before it is streamed to the DFM file.
GIFImageRenderOnLoadSpecifies whether to render the GIF frames as they are loaded, instead of rendering them on demand.
GIFMaximumDelaySpecifies the maximum delay when the painter is running in the main thread.
GIFMinimumDelaySpecifies the minimum delay when the painter is running in the main thread.
GIFVersionsContains the possible versions of the GIF format handled by this namespace.
PaletteDeviceSpecifies whether the desktop DC supports 256 colors or less.
TGenericColorMapperSpecifies the color mapper to use when displaying GIF images.


GIFMaxColorsGIFMaxColors: Integer = $100;
GIFVersionGIFVersion: Integer = $300;
GIFVersionMajorGIFVersionMajor: Integer = 3;
GIFVersionMinorGIFVersionMinor: Integer = 0;
GIFVersionReleaseGIFVersionRelease: Integer = 7;