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TMessageDidFinishTakingImageFromLibrary = class(TMessage<TBitmap>);


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TMessageDidFinishTakingImageFromLibrary : public System::Messaging::TMessage__1<Fmx::Graphics::TBitmap*>


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
FMX.MediaLibrary FMX.MediaLibrary


Message that contains a picture that the user selected by request of your application.

When your application calls IFMXTakenImageService.TakeImageFromLibrary, this opens the device image library for the user to select a picture. After the user selects a picture and your application regains focus, a TMessageReceivedImagePath message is sent, followed by a TMessageDidFinishTakingImageFromLibrary message.

The Value of a TMessageDidFinishTakingImageFromLibrary message is a TBitmap containing the picture that the user selected.

TMessageDidFinishTakingImageFromLibrary messages are only sent if the call to IFMXTakenImageService.TakeImageFromLibrary does not specify an event handler for successfully taking a picture. However, even if you do specify this event handler, Android may unload your application while your user is selecting a picture. When your application regains focus, it might actually have restarted, and any event information passed on the call to IFMXTakenImageService.TakeImageFromLibrary is lost, which is why a TMessageDidFinishTakingImageFromLibrary message is sent instead.

Using Events Instead of Messages

Instead of using messages, you can pass an event handler for successfully taking a picture in your call to IFMXTakenImageService.TakeImageFromLibrary. See When to Use Messages.

Platform Support

FireMonkey only sends this type of message on Android.

See Also