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class function GetAlarmsPath: string; static;


static System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetAlarmsPath();


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.IOUtils TPath


Returns the path to the directory where user alarm sound files are stored.

If the system running your application does not support the requested folder, or if the requested folder does not exist in the system, this function returns an empty string instead.

This function works the same as GetMusicPath except for the Android platform, where it returns the path to the folder where Android stores alarm sound files.

  • On Windows and OS X, it points to a user-specific, application-agnostic directory.
    Note: On OS X, for Sand-box mode, to access this path you have to add or to the Entitlement List.
  • On iOS Device, it returns an empty string as this directory is currently not supported.
  • On iOS Simulator and Android, it points to a user-specific, application-specific directory.
Platform Sample path Path ID
Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\My Music CSIDL_MYMUSIC
Windows Vista or later C:\Users\<username>\Music FOLDERID_Music
OS X /Users/<username>/Music NSMusicDirectory
iOS Device
iOS Simulator /Users/<username>/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<Device ID>/data/Containers/Data/Application/<application ID>/Music NSMusicDirectory
Android /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<application ID>/files/Alarms

See Also