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Package rtl290.bpl


ELockExceptionELockException is an exception class for TSpinLock.
ELockRecursionExceptionELockRecursionException is an exception class for TSpinLock.
ESyncObjectExceptionLocking mechanism exception.
TConditionVariableCSTConditionVariableCS allows the use of condition variables in combination with critical sections.
TConditionVariableHelperTConditionVariableHelper is a class helper for the TRTLConditionVariable record.
TConditionVariableMutexTConditionVariableMutex allows the use of condition variables in combination with mutexes.
TCountdownEventTCountdownEvent is a synchronization primitive that is signaled when its count reaches zero.
TCriticalSectionTCriticalSection allows a thread in a multithreaded application to temporarily block other threads from accessing a block of code.
TCriticalSectionHelperTCriticalSectionHelper is a record helper for the TRTLCriticalSection record.
TEventTEvent represents an external event.
THandleObjectTHandleObject is the base class for all thread synchronization objects that use a handle.
TInterlockedImplements various interlocking operations.
TLightweightEventRepresents a lightweight mechanism for inter-thread signaling.

Represents a lightweight implementation of a semaphore.

TMutexTMutex is a synchronization primitive used to guard a shared resource.
TSemaphoreTSemaphore is a synchronization primitive that manages the concurrent execution of threads, in the context of sharing a common resource.
TSimpleEventTSimpleEvent represents an unnamed manual event object.
TSynchroObjectTSynchroObject is the base class for all thread synchronization objects.


TBitOffsetTBitOffset represents a set of Integer values.
THandleObjectArrayTHandleObjectArray represents an array of THandleObject.
TSpinLockInstances of TSpinLock allow a thread in a multithreaded application to temporarily acquire a lock while not blocking other calling threads.
TSpinWaitAn instance of TSpinWait allows the current thread to wait for a number of spin cycles.
TWaitResultTWaitResult indicates the reason an event object stopped waiting for its signal.