Setting the Property Value

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The property editor's SetValue method takes a string typed by the user in the Object Inspector, converts it into the appropriate type, and sets the value of the property. If the string does not represent a proper value for the property, SetValue should throw an exception and not use the improper value.

To read string values into properties, override the property editor's SetValue method.

SetValue should convert the string and validate the value before calling one of the Set methods.


The following example demonstrates using the GetValue and SetValue methods for the Integer type of TIntegerProperty. Because integer is an ordinal type:

  • GetValue calls GetOrdValue and converts the result to a string.
  • SetValue converts the string to an integer, performs some range checking, and calls SetOrdValue.
function TIntegerProperty.GetValue: string;
  with GetTypeData(GetPropType)^ do
    if OrdType = otULong then // unsigned
      Result := IntToStr(Cardinal(GetOrdValue))
      Result := IntToStr(GetOrdValue);
procedure TIntegerProperty.SetValue(const Value: string);
  procedure Error(const Args: array of const);
    raise EPropertyError.CreateResFmt(@SOutOfRange, Args);
  L: Int64;
  L := StrToInt64(Value);
  with GetTypeData(GetPropType)^ do
    if OrdType = otULong then
    begin   // unsigned compare and reporting needed
      if (L < Cardinal(MinValue)) or (L > Cardinal(MaxValue)) then
      // bump up to Int64 to get past the %d in the format string
        Error([Int64(Cardinal(MinValue)), Int64(Cardinal(MaxValue))]);
    else if (L < MinValue) or (L > MaxValue) then
      Error([MinValue, MaxValue]);

The specifics of the particular example here are less important than the principle:

  • GetValue converts the value to a string.
  • SetValue converts the string and validates the value before calling one of the "Set" methods.

See Also